Reebok CAU Inter-County
Cross Country Championships
Bute Park, Cardiff
Sunday, 1st March 1998

Thanks to Julian Wowk for producing the results and to Alan Partridge for getting them to me.
Also Thanks to Cliff Robinson CAU Secretary for all his efforts.

Under 13 Boys Results

Pos'n   Name                 Team                        Time                
1       R Smith             Merseyside                   10:21
2       T Humphries         Staffordshire                10:24
3       R Bugden            Cornwall                     10:25
4       C Harvey            Dyfed                        10:26
5       M Smart             Middlesex                    10:29
6       T Davies            Hampshire                    10:30
7       A Weames            Surrey                       10:33
8       G Blackman          Nottinghamshire              10:35
9       O Davies            Worcestershire               10:36
10      C Reynolds          Essex                        10:37
11      G Thompson          Cumbria                      10:39
12      R Skidmore          Leicestershire               10:40
13      J Blackledge        Hampshire                    10:41
14      R McColl            Merseyside                   10:41
15      J Ellis             Worcestershire               10:41
16      T Fahey             Kent                         10:42
17      J Mielczarek        Worcestershire               10:42
18      T Law               Cornwall                     10:44
19      A Murdoch           Sussex                       10:45
20      P Wood              Worcestershire               10:46
21      S Kiely             Leicestershire               10:48
22      L Northall          North Wales Counties         10:48
23      P Williams          Greater Manchester           10:49
24      S Nolan             Merseyside                   10:52
25      J Horsman           Bedfordshire                 10:52
26      A Corkett           Bedfordshire                 10:53
27      G Russ              Hampshire                    10:53
28      T Smith             Avon And Somerset            10:54
29      T Snow              Essex                        10:54
30      S Brook             Essex                        10:56
31      Chris Lamb          Northamptonshire             10:58
32      A Stuart            Staffordshire                10:59
33      G Broome            Greater Manchester           11:00
34      M Ashton            Oxfordshire                  11:00
35      G Davenport         Avon And Somerset            11:01
36      A Doyle             Hampshire                    11:02
37      R Penney            Devon                        11:02
38      K Williams          Cumbria                      11:04
39      G Kelly             Essex                        11:05
40      C Bennett           Cheshire                     11:06
41      T Penrose           Essex                        11:07
42      D Angell            Cornwall                     11:07
43      R Hayward           Kent                         11:07
44      J Appleton          Surrey                       11:08
45      O Freeman           Kent                         11:08
46      A Stevens           Sussex                       11:08
47      G Mulvoy            Merseyside                   11:09
48      G Smith             Hampshire                    11:09
49      P Hryniewiecki      Middlesex                    11:11
50      A Day               Oxfordshire                  11:11
51      G Walters           Staffordshire                11:12
52      R Hopkinson         Bedfordshire                 11:13
53      R Cowell            Merseyside                   11:13
54      C McCourt           Dorset                       11:14
55      S Dudley            Nottinghamshire              11:15
56      B Nicholson         Greater Manchester           11:15
57      J Webb              Devon                        11:15
58      P Reardon           Bedfordshire                 11:16
59      I Rewell            Merseyside                   11:16
60      D Awde              Avon And Somerset            11:16
61      G Ruffer            Sussex                       11:16
62      M Barham            Sussex                       11:17
63      Q Scott             Surrey                       11:17
64      C Sellens           Essex                        11:18
65      C Turner            Hertfordshire                11:18
66      Adam Smith          Staffordshire                11:18
67      R Gibbons           Cambridgeshire               11:19
68      S Ames              Bedfordshire                 11:19
69      R Jellyman          Staffordshire                11:19
70      J Charlton          Cheshire                     11:20
71      G Garle             Surrey                       11:20
72      A Banks             Shropshire                   11:22
73      J Verity            Leicestershire               11:22
74      J Cross             Kent                         11:23
75      C Hughes            Mid Glamorgan                11:23
76      O Holden            Worcestershire               11:23
77      T Lamb              Avon And Somerset            11:23
78      P Simner            Staffordshire                11:24
79      D St Clair          Middlesex                    11:24
80      P Bale              Dorset                       11:24
81      C Gough             Merseyside                   11:24
82      J Howells           Mid Glamorgan                11:25
83      N Odlin             Hertfordshire                11:25
84      C Saville           Hertfordshire                11:25
85      S Winchester        Surrey                       11:25
86      R Hubbard           Middlesex                    11:26
87      J Williams          Dyfed                        11:26
88      C Dean              Dorset                       11:26
89      T Carpenter         Kent                         11:27
90      O Robinson          Devon                        11:27
91      L Boucher           Middlesex                    11:27
92      J Green             Staffordshire                11:27
93      G Glynn             Hampshire                    11:28
94      G Jones             West Glamorgan               11:28
95      L Cadman            Bedfordshire                 11:29
96      A Gear              Cheshire                     11:30
97      T Wallis            Avon And Somerset            11:30
98      M Dickinson         Avon And Somerset            11:30
99      E Lake              Berkshire                    11:31
100     G Oliver            Wiltshire                    11:32
101     D Ryan              Kent                         11:32
102     M Hall              Surrey                       11:32
103     J Colbeck           Greater Manchester           11:32
104     V Barbarich         Middlesex                    11:33
105     D Hopkins           Sussex                       11:33
106     S Campbell          Cheshire                     11:34
107     M Gale              Warwickshire                 11:34
108     R Edmonds           Leicestershire               11:34
109     G Edwards           Berkshire                    11:35
110     K Bennett           Buckinghamshire              11:35
111     C Tomlinson         Cornwall                     11:35
112     K Jefferies         Wiltshire                    11:36
113     P Drake             Surrey                       11:36
114     D Snow              Kent                         11:36
115     M Webster           Leicestershire               11:37
116     K Beynon            West Glamorgan               11:37
117     S Spencer           Middlesex                    11:38
118     T Beedell           Buckinghamshire              11:39
119     P Grannell          Cheshire                     11:39
120     M Hughes            Warwickshire                 11:39
121     J Murray            Greater Manchester           11:40
122     R Carmichael        Sussex                       11:40
123     A McLeod            Warwickshire                 11:40
124     T Ambler            Leicestershire               11:40
125     T Compton           Derbyshire                   11:41
126     T Meakin            Leicestershire               11:42
127     C Knox              Suffolk                      11:42
128     B Nelson            Surrey                       11:42
129     R Prest             Cornwall                     11:43
130     M Sharp             Bedfordshire                 11:43
131     I Denty             Dorset                       11:43
132     R Barker            Greater Manchester           11:44
133     L Short             Warwickshire                 11:44
134     M Cadman            Berkshire                    11:44
135     I Cunningham        Dorset                       11:44
136     A Little            Shropshire                   11:45
137     A Cherrington       Staffordshire                11:45
138     P Compton           Derbyshire                   11:45
139     J Smith             Wiltshire                    11:46
140     G Hughes            Gloucestershire              11:46
141     S Duggins           Worcestershire               11:47
142     A Robinson          Warwickshire                 11:48
143     K Tomany            Greater Manchester           11:48
144     T Glover            Northamptonshire             11:48
145     D Giles             Sussex                       11:49
146     J Down              Buckinghamshire              11:49
147     M Ford              Dyfed                        11:50
148     C Miles             Oxfordshire                  11:50
149     P Wright            Buckinghamshire              11:51
150     L Berridge          Dyfed                        11:51
151     C Toms              Bedfordshire                 11:51
152     B Kenward           Avon And Somerset            11:52
153     J Sloan             Cheshire                     11:52
154     J Richards          Oxfordshire                  11:52
155     S Retauick          Cornwall                     11:53
156     A Politowicz        Kent                         11:53
157     M Hanratty          Warwickshire                 11:54
158     M Cullen            Oxfordshire                  11:54
159     A Skelley           Devon                        11:55
160     A Meadows           Avon And Somerset            11:55
161     B Spashett          Suffolk                      11:56
162     M Angelini          Hertfordshire                11:56
163     B Goymour           Cambridgeshire               11:56
164     A Bradshaw          Nottinghamshire              11:57
165     N Jones             Berkshire                    11:57
166     M Johnson           Buckinghamshire              11:57
167     S Barston           Warwickshire                 11:58
168     A White             Suffolk                      11:59
169     M Berryman          Buckinghamshire              12:00
170     C Chapman           Cambridgeshire               12:00
171     A Steele            Greater Manchester           12:00
172     R McCarthy          Hampshire                    12:01
173     A Morrow            Hampshire                    12:02
174     P Christie          Northamptonshire             12:02
175     V Depass            Nottinghamshire              12:03
176     L Fanous            Nottinghamshire              12:03
177     C D Jones           Norfolk                      12:04
178     Martin Johnson      Northamptonshire             12:04
179     R Thomas            Dyfed                        12:05
180     M Creed             North Wales Counties         12:06
181     P Byrne             Wiltshire                    12:06
182     W Humphries         Lincolnshire                 12:06
183     A Burgoyne          Shropshire                   12:06
184     R Swain             Mid Glamorgan                12:07
185     O Evans             Dyfed                        12:11
186     J Sheldon           Worcestershire               12:11
187     J Gibson            Northamptonshire             12:11
188     J Muddeman          Suffolk                      12:13
189     Already Finished                                 12:14
190     B Cox               Herefordshire                12:14
191     R Thomas            Gloucestershire              12:15
192     K Page              Devon                        12:17
193     M Johnson           Lincolnshire                 12:17
194     D Edwards           Devon                        12:18
195     A Pollard           Leicestershire               12:19
196     A Jones             Lincolnshire                 12:21
197     R Ward              Lincolnshire                 12:22
198     W Devenish          Oxfordshire                  12:23
199     T Sherrington       Cheshire                     12:24
200     S Sly               Shropshire                   12:24
201     T Page              Dyfed                        12:25
202     M Armstrong         Derbyshire                   12:26
203     A Nott              Devon                        12:27
204     J McGarel           Lincolnshire                 12:27
205     Already Finished                                 12:28
206     B Thatcher          Derbyshire                   12:29
207     G Wilcox            Buckinghamshire              12:31
208     P Evans             Wiltshire                    12:31
209     M Garthwaite        Shropshire                   12:31
210     M Bird              Northamptonshire             12:32
211     A Wainwright        Shropshire                   12:36
212     J Moulding          Lincolnshire                 12:36
213     J Williams          Lincolnshire                 12:37
214     R Peace             Gloucestershire              12:38
215     D Williams          Mid Glamorgan                12:39
216     N Owen              Devon                        12:42
217     Matthew Bird        Northamptonshire             12:44
218     M Clarke            Wiltshire                    12:45
219     P Brady             Berkshire                    12:45
220     M Legge             Herefordshire                12:46
221     D Longley           Nottinghamshire              12:47
222     C Stevens           Shropshire                   12:48
223     D Theyer            Derbyshire                   12:48
224     P Stokes            Wiltshire                    12:50
225     A Sprules           Berkshire                    12:54
226     R Vincent           Cambridgeshire               12:58
227     R Truman            Mid Glamorgan                13:02
228     P Tickner           North Wales Counties         13:02
229     I Duester           Oxfordshire                  13:06
230     R Lecraw            Mid Glamorgan                13:08
231     P Rawcliffe         Mid Glamorgan                13:12
232     Andrew Smith        Oxfordshire                  13:15
233     D Dew               Cambridgeshire               13:27
234     C King              Berkshire                    13:31
235     Already Finished                                 13:31
236     P King              Cambridgeshire               13:42
237     S Chambers          Northamptonshire             13:47
238     S Jenkins           Middlesex                    13:58
239     A Lewis             Gloucestershire              14:05
240     N Evans             Mid Glamorgan                14:30
241     J Goode             Warwickshire                 15:16

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