Reebok CAU Inter-County
Cross Country Championships
Wollaton Park, Nottingham
Saturday, 20th February 1999

Thanks to Julian Wowk for producing the results
and to Cliff Robinson CAU Secretary for all his efforts.

Senior Women's Results

Pos'n  Name                      Team                           Time                
1      Angela Mudge              Scottish East                  28:24
2      Tara Kryzwicki            Leicestershire                 28:29
3      Lucy Wright               Cornwall                       28:46
4      Andrea Whitcombe          Middlesex                      28:50
5      Sue Reinsford             Bedfordshire                   28:55
6      Hayley Yelling            Middlesex                      29:13
7      Lucy Elliott              Hertfordshire                  29:33
8      S Young                   Greater Manchester             29:34
9      Sharon Morris             Hertfordshire                  29:39
10     Beverley Jenkins          Greater Manchester             29:47
11     Victoria Wilkinson        Yorkshire                      29:53
12     Lisa Hollick              Hertfordshire                  29:54
13     Trudi Thomson             Scottish East                  29:59
14     Penny Thackray            Yorkshire                      30:03
15     Kathryn Bailey            Hampshire                      30:05
16     Jenny Clague              Merseyside                     30:06
17     Michelle Wannell          Devon                          30:08
18     Kerry Matthew             North East                     30:09
19     Rhona Makepeace           Leicestershire                 30:09
20     Ann McPhail               Scottish West                  30:11
21     Lisa Towns                Middlesex                      30:15
22     Alex Chapman              Middlesex                      30:17
23     Michelle Mann             Lancashire                     30:19
24     Ann Powell                Greater Manchester             30:24
25     Rebecca Lovett            Kent                           30:25
26     Heidi Nicholls            Humberside                     30:29
27     Sharon Hatch              Northern Ireland               30:31
28     Emma Brooker              Suffolk                        30:34
29     Samantha Gray             East Wales                     30:39
30     Nikki Lee                 Leicestershire                 30:40
31     Jackie Ashman             Lancashire                     30:42
32     Yvette Baker              Berkshire                      30:43
33     Marlene Gemmill           Scottish West                  30:45
34     Tricia Sloan              Greater Manchester             30:46
35     Eileen Cochrane           Scottish West                  30:47
36     Meryl Dodd                North East                     30:50
37     Amy Stiles                Wiltshire                      30:51
38     Heather Robinson          North East                     30:52
39     Susan Blackett            Surrey                         30:53
40     Helen Keene               Warwickshire                   30:55
41     Rachel Townend            Hampshire                      30:57
42     Lucy Doughty              Avon & Somerset                31:03
43     Carol Adams               Warwickshire                   31:08
44     Viv McConnell             Avon & Somerset                31:09
45     Jennifer Heath            Cheshire                       31:11
46     Carolyn Dickie            North East                     31:13
47     Beth Allott               Greater Manchester             31:15
48     Grace Greenhalgh          Essex                          31:18
49     Lisa Moody                Scottish West                  31:20
50     Sally Lynch               East Wales                     31:20
51     Tracy Swindell            Essex                          31:21
52     Kerrie Nott               Kent                           31:21
53     Angela Murphy             Middlesex                      31:23
54     Ann Ford                  Nottinghamshire                31:29
55     Sharon Cooney             Middlesex                      31:33
56     Megan Clark               Oxfordshire                    31:33
57     Candy Perkins             Kent                           31:34
58     Claudia Minguez           Avon & Somerset                31:35
59     Tracey Apps               Kent                           31:37
60     V Smith                   Leicestershire                 31:39
61     Charlotte McFadden        Scottish West                  31:39
62     Esther Casson             North East                     31:40
63     Maralyn Clark             Surrey                         31:44
64     Karen Newman              Scottish East                  31:46
65     Katherine Scales          Warwickshire                   31:49
66     Kate Burge                Staffordshire                  31:49
67     Dorethea Lee              Avon & Somerset                31:49
68     Sarah Jones               Cheshire                       31:51
69     Suzanne Owen              Cheshire                       31:51
70     Chris Creswell            Nottinghamshire                31:51
71     Kelly Dransfield          Hampshire                      31:53
72     Amanda Purser             Hampshire                      31:54
73     Dorita Harmse             Essex                          31:56
74     Jane Horner               Norfolk                        31:57
75     Helen Burrell             Nottinghamshire                31:59
76     Estelle Viljoen           Surrey                         32:00
77     Michelle Birdsall         Oxfordshire                    32:01
78     Tina Brown                Warwickshire                   32:02
79     Melissa Neal              Cambridgeshire                 32:03
80     Lynne Quigley             Greater Manchester             32:04
81     Ann Taswell               Avon & Somerset                32:06
82     Marilyn Blair             Devon                          32:06
83     A Fletcher                Dulwich R                      32:06
84     Wendy Combes              Wiltshire                      32:07
85     Karen Slater              Yorkshire                      32:09
86     Elizabeth Canwell         Yorkshire                      32:15
87     Sam Bretherick            West Wales                     32:16
88     Kerry Stoney Street       Staffordshire                  32:17
89     Sally Eastall             Suffolk                        32:18
90     Emma Davies               North Wales                    32:19
91     Sally Pitts               Oxfordshire                    32:20
92     Susan Baigent             Berkshire                      32:21
93     Lorraine McCarthy         North East                     32:30
94     Julie McDevitt            Scottish West                  32:33
95     Penny Hope                Greater Manchester             32:34
96     Holly May                 Avon & Somerset                32:39
97     Camilla Mottram           Gloucestershire                32:39
98     Kate Jenkins              Scottish East                  32:40
99     Ruth Eddy                 Essex                          32:41
100    N Milner                  Leicestershire                 32:43
101    Penny Morrell             Sussex                         32:43
102    Louise Day                Lincolnshire                   32:44
103    Janice Moorekite          Kent                           32:47
104    Rebecca Adams             Sussex                         32:48
105    Amanda Dalkins            Staffordshire                  32:48
106    Eleanor Robinson          Derbyshire                     32:49
107    Vicky Frew                Scottish East                  32:50
108    Clare Tomkinson           Leicestershire                 32:51
109    Lisa Knights              Nottinghamshire                32:51
110    Kim Dyer                  Avon & Somerset                32:53
111    Jackie Robson             Nottinghamshire                32:54
112    Andrea Cameron            Hampshire                      32:54
113    Bernadette Taylor         North East                     32:55
114    Anna Berrill              Northamptonshire               32:55
115    Carol McKinley-Evans      Surrey                         32:56
116    Caroline Betmead          Lancashire                     32:58
117    Lois Joslin               Hertfordshire                  32:59
118    Janet Lawrence            Merseyside                     32:59
119    Suzanne McCormick         Northern Ireland               33:00
120    Ruth Branson              Kent                           33:00
121    Jane Pidgeon              Nottinghamshire                33:04
122    Sarah Williamson          Essex                          33:04
123    Tessa Jones               Norfolk                        33:07
124    Belinda Fear              Cornwall                       33:08
125    Tanja Allen               Hertfordshire                  33:09
126    Rachel Pleeth             Cheshire                       33:09
127    Yvonne Crawley            Derbyshire                     33:10
128    Caroline Young            Yorkshire                      33:11
129    Libby Jones               Sussex                         33:11
130    Sue Dolan                 Yorkshire                      33:12
131    Jenny Griffiths           Devon                          33:12
132    Stephanie Robson          Hampshire                      33:13
133    Susan Bellamy             Northamptonshire               33:16
134    Cecilia Greasley          Cheshire                       33:16
135    Alison Hirst              Oxfordshire                    33:17
136    Rosie Naish               North Wales                    33:17
137    Paula Gowing              Avon & Somerset                33:18
138    Jayne Lloyd               North Wales                    33:18
139    Geraldine Cudworth        Worcestershire                 33:18
140    Alison Whitelaw           North Wales                    33:19
141    Karen Thorp               Northamptonshire               33:21
142    Kate Armstrong            Middlesex                      33:24
143    Hsu Chung                 Surrey                         33:25
144    Christine Murphy          Merseyside                     33:28
145    L Skelton                 Herefordshire                  33:30
146    Julia Craft               Oxfordshire                    33:31
147    Rachel Marshall           Kent                           33:32
148    Maggie Johnson-Myers      Worcestershire                 33:33
149    Louise Fradley            Staffordshire                  33:34
150    Sharon Hetherington       Worcestershire                 33:36
151    Jeanette Hardwick         Sussex                         33:37
152    Anne Power                Berkshire                      33:39
153    Suzanne Wood              Cheshire                       33:42
154    Kim Fawke                 Warwickshire                   33:42
155    Judith Jefferies          Nottinghamshire                33:44
156    Paula Holland             Cumbria                        33:45
157    Margaret Statham          Surrey                         33:46
158    Sarah Knights             Norfolk                        33:49
159    Claire Smallwood          North East                     33:52
160    Jackie Thorn              Cheshire                       33:53
161    Rachel Disley             Surrey                         33:53
162    Jane Hodkinson            Lancashire                     33:54
163    Glyns Dryscoll            Bedfordshire                   33:56
164    Dawn Harris               Warwickshire                   33:56
165    Louise Wilkinson          Norfolk                        33:59
166    Jane Finney               West Wales                     34:01
167    Claire Stevenson          Devon                          34:03
168    Ruth Watson               Cambridgeshire                 34:04
169    Clare Newton              Staffordshire                  34:05
170    Josephine Kelsey          Surrey                         34:06
171    Carly Scott               Northamptonshire               34:07
172    Heather Williams          Cambridgeshire                 34:09
173    Pauline White             Devon                          34:09
174    Lynn Williams             Sussex                         34:10
175    Beryl Sampson             Gloucestershire                34:11
176    Chris Naylor              Sussex                         34:12
177    Michie Short              Cornwall                       34:12
178    Natalie Sharp             Northamptonshire               34:14
179    Sandy Urro                Devon                          34:15
180    Caroline Cunningham       Cheshire                       34:16
181    Maria Skinner             Kent                           34:17
182    Tracey Erskine            Derbyshire                     34:19
183    Alison Smith              Cheshire                       34:23
184    Amelia Craighill          Norfolk                        34:23
185    Sue Stockdale             Oxfordshire                    34:26
186    Michela Zazzi             Derbyshire                     34:26
187    Sally White               Buckinghamshire                34:28
188    Fay Fenwick               Humberside                     34:33
189    Kate Olivant              Wiltshire                      34:37
190    Josie Heffernan           Buckinghamshire                34:40
191    Claire Martin             Shropshire                     34:40
192    Joanne Phizacklea         Derbyshire                     34:41
193    Karen Scarff              Warwickshire                   34:43
194    Emily Collins             Norfolk                        34:44
195    Joan Clarke               Worcestershire                 34:47
196    Liz Hartney               Berkshire                      34:48
197    Elaine Leonard            Lancashire                     34:51
198    Pauline Field             Suffolk                        34:52
199    Dee Guite                 Suffolk                        34:55
200    Sarah Corlett             Cumbria                        34:56
201    Catherine Vines           Staffordshire                  34:57
202    Linda White               Warwickshire                   35:03
203    Louise Littlewood         Worcestershire                 35:04
204    Ann Williams              South Wales                    35:06
205    A Tomkinson               Leicestershire                 35:07
206    Mary Mills                Nottinghamshire                35:10
207    Anne James                South Wales                    35:11
208    Rosemary Byde             Warwickshire                   35:12
209    Julie Lean                Cornwall                       35:13
210    Barbara Wood              Merseyside                     35:14
211    Vicky Ronald              North Wales                    35:17
212    Clare Hunt                Lincolnshire                   35:23
213    Clare Neil                Buckinghamshire                35:23
214    Gillian Darby             Merseyside                     35:24
215    Liz Clarke                North Wales                    35:29
216    Marilyn Barwood           Gloucestershire                35:31
217    Emma Newton               Staffordshire                  35:33
218    Teresa Douglas            Cumbria                        35:36
219    Janet Williams            North Wales                    35:38
220    Kara Kent                 Bedfordshire                   35:39
221    Catherine Dixon           Humberside                     35:40
222    Maureen McKenzie          Merseyside                     35:41
223    Jackie Brown              Lincolnshire                   35:43
224    Sally Precious            Humberside                     35:49
225    Lorraine Hardy            Shropshire                     35:52
226    Sue Revill                Lincolnshire                   35:56
227    Cath Wadsworth            Humberside                     35:56
228    Karen Heaviside           Cumbria                        36:00
229    Kathleen Warhurst         Lincolnshire                   36:02
230    Emma Thorpe               Suffolk                        36:07
231    Pat Partridge             Suffolk                        36:14
232    Stephanie Hyde            Cumbria                        36:19
233    Jeannette Ashton          Oxfordshire                    36:19
234    Charlotte Mead            Cambridgeshire                 36:26
235    Andrea Lancaster          Norfolk                        36:29
236    Lesley Parry              Humberside                     36:30
237    Julia Clarke              South Wales                    36:33
238    Alyson Noake              Shropshire                     36:34
239    Shelagh Adkins            East Wales                     36:35
240    Louise Harrison           Cornwall                       36:35
241    Christina Lewis           Lancashire                     36:38
242    Fiona Turner              Gloucestershire                36:40
243    Helen Sandelands          Lancashire                     36:42
244    Fiona Moore               Humberside                     36:53
245    Yvonne Stainer            Hertfordshire                  36:57
246    Charmaine Donald          Lincolnshire                   37:01
247    Rachael Duckham           Cornwall                       37:05
248    Susan Candy               Shropshire                     37:06
249    Marilyn Hunt              Wiltshire                      37:12
250    Ruth Rutt                 Buckinghamshire                37:13
251    Jane Nicholls             Shropshire                     37:17
252    Kirsty Martin             Staffordshire                  37:21
253    Alison Kenyon-Williams    Kent                           37:24
254    Naomi Love                Northamptonshire               37:26
255    Grace Hough               Shropshire                     37:29
256    Claire Hall               Wiltshire                      37:32
257    Tanya Taylor              Lincolnshire                   37:40
258    Wendy Walton              Shropshire                     37:46
259    Kym Wheeler               Northamptonshire               37:46
260    Rebekah Bailey            Cumbria                        37:52
261    Maureen Emmett            Wiltshire                      38:01
262    Carol Jones               Gloucestershire                38:15
263    Anna Cambouli             West Wales                     38:49
264    Judith Llewellyn          East Wales                     38:56
265    Joanne Brown              Humberside                     39:07
266    Pauline Townsend          Wiltshire                      39:26
267    Fiona Crossey             Buckinghamshire                39:47
268    Michelle Blee             Lincolnshire                   43:47
269    Dani Martin               Suffolk                        46:11

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